CFS Policy Convergence Products Database

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The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure food security and nutrition for all. This database provides easy access to CFS products, such as voluntary guidelines, policy recommendations and principles.


Policy Recommendations


Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests


Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems


Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises


Voluntary Guidelines - Right to Food


Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition

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establish strong linkages amongst sectors such as education, health and agriculture to ensure decent employment and social welfare in rural and urban areas, including enhancing people' access, especially women, to markets and financial services required for effective social protection
PR, Year 2012, Session 39
ensure that social protection systems embrace a ""twin-track"" strategy to maximize impact on resilience and food security and nutrition, through provision of essential assistance in the short-term while simultaneously protecting or building productive assets and infrastructure that support livelihoods and human development in the long-term;
PR, Year 2012, Session 39
provide predictable and reliable access to social protection to all those in need at any time of the year, and at particularly vulnerable stages of life; (recognizing) that chronically vulnerable individuals, unable to participate in the workforce, might need permanent assistance, recognizing that not everyone can graduate out of poverty and food insecurity
PR, Year 2012, Session 39
strengthen the various components of effective social protection, including non-contributory social transfers or safety nets, insurance mechanisms, and access to social services, including recognition and strengthening of informal/ traditional social protection mechanisms.
PR, Year 2012, Session 39

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