CFS Policy Convergence Products Database - CFS Policy Convergence Products Database
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure food security and nutrition for all. This database provides easy access to CFS products, such as voluntary guidelines, policy recommendations and principles.
CFS Products Legend
Policy Recommendations
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests
Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems
Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises
Voluntary Guidelines - Right to Food
Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition
675 Resultados para
Improve animal welfare delivering on the five freedoms and related OIE standards and principles, including through capacity building programmes, and supporting voluntary actions in the livestock sector to improve animal welfare
Develop and foster innovation that addresses challenges in achieving sustainable agricultural development in livestock systems, including through collaborative and participatory research, transfer of knowledge and capacity building
Promote access to and the use of digital technologies, including for precision agriculture, and foster their appropriate application for sustainable agricultural development
Enable access to veterinary and extension services, vaccinations, medications, including antimicrobials, adapted to the specific livestock production systems
Support the protection and strengthening of traditional knowledge systems which promote sustainability and the use of experiential knowledge in research and development
Promote global collaboration for collection and dissemination of relevant and disaggregated data, especially by sex
Promote access to good quality feed, and facilitate training on sustainable feeding practices.
Review and implement water policies and strategies, as appropriate, so that they are comprehensive and incorporate FSN concerns across sectors, and promote transparency and accountability by all actors for their impact on water for FSN, thus contributing to the progressive realization of both the right to safe drinking water and sanitation and the right to adequate food in the context of national food security
Prevent and significantly reduce pollution, restore, depollute and protect water bodies from contamination and ensure water quality is preserved for domestic, agricultural and food-related uses, including through targeted incentives and disincentives
Encourage the collection of water related information in all sectors and, where appropriate, undertake evidence-based assessments of the current status and projections for water resources demand and supply, to plan and invest effectively to maximise long-term benefits for FSN
Promote an ecosystem approach and participatory mechanisms for the conservation, restoration and sustainable management of ecosystems, involving actors at the appropriate scales
Coordinate the policies of all major sectors related to water use including agriculture, land, energy and mining for enhanced FSN
Promote sustainable management and conservation of ecosystems for the continued availability, quality and reliability of water for FSN
Improve coherence between water and FSN related policies, strategies and plans
Consider water explicitly in developing and reviewing national FSN strategies
Enhance the coherence of relevant sectoral policies concerning water for FSN
Convene an inclusive process, as appropriate, that enables broad stakeholder participation, such as by private sector, civil society, local and subnational authorities, to enable stakeholders to identify causes of FLW, potential solutions, key actors, and priorities for individual and collective action. This requires identifying the stakeholders who would need to be engaged in the identification and implementation of solutions, including at subnational and local levels and throughout the food systems, costs implications and who will bear them, as well as potential benefits. It also requires identifying constraints and challenges and designing strategies to address them.
Assessing and improving, where relevant, public food procurement management and distribution policies and practices to minimize FLW while ensuring food safety and quality, safeguarding the environment, improving economic efficiency and pursuing social benefits, for instance facilitating access for small-scale food producers where appropriate.
Investing in infrastructure and other public goods and services to reduce FLW and promote sustainable food systems (e.g. storage and processing facilities, reliable energy supply, transport, appropriate technologies) and improved access by food producers and consumers to markets (e.g. improved market information and product knowledge).
Supporting small-scale food producers and processers and their organizations for better access to knowledge and innovation, markets, financial services, logistics (e.g. storage, processing, packaging, and transport) and other services which are important to reduce FLW.
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