CFS Policy Convergence Products Database

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The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure food security and nutrition for all. This database provides easy access to CFS products, such as voluntary guidelines, policy recommendations and principles.


Policy Recommendations


Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests


Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems


Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises


Voluntary Guidelines - Right to Food


Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition

675 Résultats pour
Promote the development and implementation of south-south as well as north-south cooperation, to encourage sharing and learning experiences in aquaculture.
PR, Year 2014, Session 41
Promote the inclusion of food security and nutrition in the objectives of policies and mechanisms related to fish trade.
PR, Year 2014, Session 41
Support local organizations to foster the integration of small-scale fisheries into the decision-making processes.
PR, Year 2014, Session 41
Recognize the specific contribution of small-scale fisheries to food security and nutrition.
PR, Year 2014, Session 41
Enhance fish market's and trade's contribution to food security and nutrition
PR, Year 2014, Session 41
Recognize the contribution of small-scale fisheries
PR, Year 2014, Session 41
Financial services. Improve regulatory conditions and financial infrastructure to strengthen smallholder access to a full range of financial services adapted to their needs, with attention to the particular challenges faced by women and youth in this regard. Relevant financial services include safe deposits, monetary transactions and remittances, mobile financial services, sustainable micro, short and long-term credit, public insurance schemes (including indexed insurance), commodity exchange and warehouse receipt systems. Reduce financial risks, lower transaction costs and facilitate long-term investments, ' such as for field operations equipment, food processing and other value-adding activities on smallholder farms. As appropriate, relax liquidity constraints on working capital expenditures (e.g. fertilizers, seeds) as well as on medium and long-term investments while avoid worsening smallholder farmers' debt burden. Support such measures by appropriately designed, well targeted fiscal measures. All the above mentioned measures of this paragraph should be implemented in accordance with international commitments.
PR, Year 2013, Session 40
Promote investment of and for smallholders. Improve policies, markets and institutions to foster economic opportunities for smallholders. Mitigate excessive price volatility and non-transferable smallholder risks using public policy instruments in accordance with international commitments. Develop and/or improve value chains and enable smallholders to be full participants in the value chains of their choice. Ensure legal and fair business practices amongst all parties and increase the negotiating capacity of smallholders. This calls for continued development of policy measures and technical guidelines and tools, including for contract farming and public'private partnerships, in consultation with smallholder organizations, the expertise of relevant UN organizations and other centres of expertise.
PR, Year 2013, Session 40

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