CFS Policy Convergence Products Database - CFS Policy Convergence Products Database
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure food security and nutrition for all. This database provides easy access to CFS products, such as voluntary guidelines, policy recommendations and principles.
CFS Products Legend
Policy Recommendations
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests
Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems
Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises
Voluntary Guidelines - Right to Food
Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition
675 Résultats pour
Respect, and preserve traditional knowledge on sustainable water management and adaptation to shocks and stressors in order to strengthen the resilience of livelihoods
Develop and share knowledge, technologies and tools related to water for FSN
Manage risk and increase resilience to water variability for FSN
Increase investment in research, technological and social innovation, with due attention to small-scale food producers' needs and knowledge, throughout the food chain, for effective reduction of FLW as well as for adding value to agricultural products in the whole food value chain, for example through the extension of shelf life while protecting food safety and nutritional value.
Develop and improve practices and industry standards related to product sourcing and retail to reduce FLW, in particular standards used to accept or reject food produce (e.g. cosmetic standards for fruit, vegetables, livestock and fish products). This can be done, for example, by introducing differentiated pricing to prevent economic and nutrition value losses.
Utilize mechanisms for measuring improvement over time, setting targets as appropriate, and introduce an enabling environment through policies and incentives to reduce FLW, in accordance with national priorities, based on a 'food use-not-waste' hierarchy (i.e. prevention, food recovery and redistribution of safe and nutritious food to people).
Carry out research in FLW in order to develop a systemic analysis framework or methodology to quantify and reduce FLW, and assess the impact of alternative uses of FLW such as for feed, energy and industrial uses, etc.
Contribute to the provision of appropriate extension services and training, especially focused on small-scale transport, storage, processing, packaging and distribution systems to reduce FLW.
Integrate FLW concerns and solutions, and a food systems' approach, as appropriate, into agricultural, food and other relevant policies and development programmes.
Encourage all stakeholders to optimize the use of resources, reduce FLW and seek solutions for sorting of food waste and reducing waste to landfills.
Cooperate, and support actions, to promote participatory research, together with small-scale food producers to reduce FLW.
Improve coordination of policies, strategies, and actions to reduce FLW
Improve governance for agriculture and rural development through a coordinated multi-sectoral approach, with particular focus on smallholder agriculture, ensuring adequate participation of all relevant organizations, especially those representing smallholder farmers. This involves developing context-specific solutions for smallholder-sensitive public and private investments. Consider experiences such as the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), the Global Agriculture and Food Security Programme (GAFSP) and others.
Build or further develop a country-owned vision for smallholder agriculture, in the context of broad-based national, and agricultural development, that positions smallholder agriculture firmly within integrated policies and strategies, that includes connecting smallholders to markets, that is articulated together with all national stakeholders, especially smallholder farmers, of whom women represent a majority in many countries, their organizations and their representatives, in the context of sustainable development and transparent rights-based processes and guidelines.
Guided by this vision and the Voluntary Guidelines on the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security, consider revisiting agricultural, urban and rural sector policies, strategies and budgets, with particular attention to enabling smallholder access - especially for women - to productive assets, local, national and regional markets, appropriate training, research, technology and farm support services.
Support the review, financing and implementation of smallholder inclusive, gender-sensitive, multi-sectoral, policies and strategies linked to sustainable agricultural development, with a particular supporting role by international development partners and especially IFAD, FAO and WFP, the World Bank, bilateral funding agencies and regional development banks.
Help facilitate improvement of fisheries-relevant policies and strategies, by promoting transparency and inclusiveness, especially effective participation of small-scale fisheries, and the integration of fisheries and aquaculture issues into the major international programmes and initiatives, and giving due consideration to food security, nutrition and poverty alleviation.
Mainstream gender equality and women's empowerment within the country-led vision and strategy for agricultural development. In addition, encourage gender specific support services in view of the critical role of women and to address the specific needs and constraints faced by both women and men smallholder farmers.
Address constraints to engaging young women and men in smallholder agriculture, as well as in related non-farm rural sectors, through targeted policy interventions. These include strengthening and ensuring equal access to education and training systems.
Explore geographically inclusive territorial development as an approach to effectively coordinate cross-sectoral public and private investments, in particular in smallholder agriculture as well as in the non-farm economy.
Make explicit reference to fish resources fisheries and aquaculture as vital in combating hunger and securing nutritious food for everybody in all relevant documents on agriculture, food security and nutrition.
Encourage responsible public and private investment, including foreign direct investment consistent with national regulations, and provide other forms of adequate financing, including official development assistance, that supports implementation of sustainable agricultural development, including livestock, particularly for smallholders, including those that are family farmers, and pastoralists
Reduce food loss and waste including by supporting the improvement of infrastructure and cold chain development, through consumer education, the dissemination of best practices, information, capacity development, and the transfer of technology as mutually agreed, including for smallholders and pastoralists, considering the most appropriate local technologies
Improve disease prevention, control, and surveillance, including through cross border cooperation on transboundary diseases, in order to foster early-warning and early action on disease control, spread and eradication, with emphasis on the Peste des Petits Ruminants Global Eradication Programme (PPR)
Recognize, respect and protect those traditional production systems, including pastoral systems and their mobility strategies, that use ecosystems sustainably and contribute significantly to the FSN of their communities and associated ways of life
Strengthen the security of tenure rights in line with the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests in the Context of National Food Security, including in all cases of conflict
Enhance North-South, South-South and Triangular and international cooperation particularly for capacity building, transfer of technology as mutually agreed, sharing of knowledge, and to leverage additional financial resources
Facilitate the adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in agricultural systems in line with the Paris Agreement, and with particular support for smallholders and pastoralists, and women's role in food systems
Identify options for improving efficiency throughout food systems, while minimizing negative environmental impacts and optimize the efficient use of energy, water, nitrogen and other natural resources
Develop policies and tools, and improve capacity, to assess, mitigate, and manage risks, and reduce excessive price volatility, and their impacts on the most vulnerable
Enhance access to livestock insurance for all systems, including index-based insurance
Empower smallholders, especially women and youth, by strengthening their access to and control over productive assets and resources, income and employment opportunities, and by facilitating the provision of extension, financial, and business development services, risk management instruments and simplified administrative procedures, which are tailored to their specific needs
Invest in capacity building, research and smallholder adapted innovative technologies, and technology transfer, to promote value addition, diversification of production, employment, and income sources, that help insure against food price volatility and mitigate the impacts of risks and shocks in agricultural income
Facilitate smallholders' capacity to increase their bargaining power and control over their economic environment, and participation in food value chains by acting collectively and forming cooperatives, associations and networks, and other organizations, and fostering the participation and equal decision-making power of traditionally underrepresented groups, such as women and youth
Promote South-South and Triangular Cooperation, as well as strengthening North-South Cooperation, to improve smallholders' productivity and capacity to engage in all markets, in accordance with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development
Target education and training, particularly to youth, with a focus on mentorship to enrich smallholders' practices and knowledge, entrepreneurship, innovation, and marketing in value chains and agribusiness, and make agriculture more attractive to them
Promote rigorous protection of food safety through effective risk assessment leading to control systems that are appropriate for different scales, contexts and modes of production and marketing, while providing information and capacity building to meet these requirements
Support the development of production, managerial, and entrepreneurial capacities of smallholders, their organizations and Small and Medium Enterprises, with special attention to women and youth
Promote short food supply chains that enable smallholders to obtain a better income from their production
Encourage production of nutritious and healthy foods that may present new market opportunities for smallholders
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