CFS Policy Convergence Products Database - CFS Policy Convergence Products Database
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure food security and nutrition for all. This database provides easy access to CFS products, such as voluntary guidelines, policy recommendations and principles.
CFS Products Legend
Policy Recommendations
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests
Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems
Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises
Voluntary Guidelines - Right to Food
Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition
675 resultados para
Respect, protect and fulfil the rights of women working in agriculture, including the livestock sector
Promote integrated and balanced approaches between policies and broader national strategies, including gender targeted interventions, such as those on local economic development and rural-urban planning, to facilitate their support of markets linked to local, national, and regional food systems
Invest in and improve processing and storage equipment and facilities and their availability and accessibility across rural and urban areas to enhance availability, quality, nutritional value and food safety, and reduce seasonality of food insecurity and food losses and waste
Develop or improve smallholder-targeted infrastructure, such as irrigation, small-scale centres for processing and packaging; and infrastructure that links rural areas with urban areas and relevant markets, such as feeder roads, and market places for direct sales; and improve access to energy
Improve access to inclusive financial systems, adapted to the needs of smallholders, which provide a wide range of services and innovative financial products, microfinance, special lines of credit, start-up capital, and insurance
Promote smallholder products with specific quality characteristics which increase income and can respond to consumer demand while preserving traditional practices and knowledge, and agricultural biodiversity
Promote inclusive participation in local food systems by encouraging relevant authorities' engagement with all interested actors, including smallholders' organizations, consumers and producers, especially women and youth
Facilitate production diversification to increase resilience to climate change, natural disasters and price shocks, to enable more diverse food consumption and reduce seasonal food and income fluctuations
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