CFS Policy Convergence Products Database

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The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure food security and nutrition for all. This database provides easy access to CFS products, such as voluntary guidelines, policy recommendations and principles.


Policy Recommendations


Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests


Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems


Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises


Voluntary Guidelines - Right to Food


Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition

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States should promote adequate and stable supplies of safe food through a combination of domestic production, trade, storage and distribution.
RtF, Year 2004
States are encouraged, inter alia and in a sustainable manner, to increase productivity and to revitalize the agriculture sector including livestock, forestry and fisheries through special policies and strategies targeted at small-scale and traditional fishers and farmers in rural areas, and the creation of enabling conditions for private sector participation, with emphasis on human capacity development and the removal of constraints to agricultural production, marketing and distribution.
RtF, Year 2004
States should, in accordance with their national law and priorities, as well as their international commitments, improve the functioning of their markets, in particular their agricultural and food markets, in order to promote both economic growth and sustainable development, inter alia, by mobilizing domestic savings, both public and private, by developing appropriate credit policies, by generating sustainable adequate levels of national productive investment through credits in concessional terms and by increasing human capacity.
RtF, Year 2004
In developing these strategies, States are encouraged to consult with civil society organizations and other key stakeholders at national and regional levels, including small-scale and traditional farmers, the private sector, women and youth associations, with the aim of promoting their active participation in all aspects of agricultural and food production strategies.
RtF, Year 2004

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