CFS Policy Convergence Products Database - CFS Policy Convergence Products Database
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure food security and nutrition for all. This database provides easy access to CFS products, such as voluntary guidelines, policy recommendations and principles.
CFS Products Legend
Policy Recommendations
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests
Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems
Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises
Voluntary Guidelines - Right to Food
Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition
675 Results for
Request that the international organizations, in consultation with other relevant stakeholders, develop a framework for a draft voluntary code of conduct for emergency humanitarian food reserves management, for further consideration by CFS;
Request relevant international organizations, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, to further assess the constraints and effectiveness of local, national and regional food reserves;
Improve transparency, regulation and supervision of agricultural derivative markets;
Responsible investment in agriculture and food systems contributes to sustainable and inclusive economic development and poverty eradication by: i) Respecting the fundamental principles and rights at work, especially those of agricultural and food workers, as defined in the ILO core conventions; ii) Supporting the effective implementation of other international labour standards, where applicable, giving particular attention to standards relevant to the agri-food sector and the elimination of the worst forms of child labour; iii) Creating new jobs and fostering decent work through [...]
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